Public Transportation
Sydtrafik is in charge of all the buses Vejen Kommune.
You find timetables here: https://www.sydtrafik.dk/koreplaner-trafikinfo/find-koreplan/?text=Vejen
Trafikoplysningen (traffic information): Tel. +45 70 10 44 10 or ”Rejseplanen” https://www.rejseplanen.dk/
Train station in Vejen, Banegårdspladsen 1, 6600 Vejen
Train station in Brørup, Nørregade 28, 6650 Brørup
Train station in Holsted, Storegade 40, 6670 Holsted.
Customer Service – DSB (Danish railways) tel. +45 70 13 14 15
Flextur is a transportation arrangement offered by Sydtrafik. Up until 2 hours before the time you want to be picked up, transportation within Vejen Kommune and the neighbouring municipalities can be ordered. There are no regular bus stops or timetables. You are transported from door-to-door in cars or small buses together with other passengers. Flextur is available all days from 6.00 to 24.00 hours.
Please order on tel. +45 76 608 608 or online